How long do I have to book?
When you find the one you are looking for among our excursions, book it now! Our offers are always subject to limited availability and places often run out. If you think about it a little too much, you risk not finding a place.
How can I pay?
For the payment of your online purchases we offer you the possibility to pay with paypal (also with credit / debit and prepaid cards) with the guarantees you know or stripe. You can also choose to pay by bank transfer but you will need to contact us by email and indicate the excursion you intend to purchase.
How will I receive my travel documents / tickets?
After booking one of the excursions you will receive vouchers/travel documents/tickets by email. You will then simply have to bring this voucher with you, containing the time and place of departure and show it directly before starting your tour.
There is an error in the personal data I entered. How can I do?
You can send us an email or contact Customer Service at 090 924 02 48 or send us a Whatsapp message at +39 331 245 68 38
Can you help me book other services: car rental, hotels, transfers or other?
We are a Sicilian tour operator and we can offer you all the best solutions to make your best holiday together. Contact us!
Why are your excursions cheaper than others I find on the net?
We are a team of people working exclusively in Sicily and for Sicily. We personally take care of our excursions and our customers as well as providing free advice for travel arrangements. Thanks to this we are able to offer a better service at low cost.
I changed my mind and I don't intend to leave or I have had problems, can I get a refund?
For more information on refunds, visit the terms and conditions page.
Why choose us?
We are the best tour company in the Aeolian Islands. We specialize in offering excursions to the most beautiful and evocative locations of the Aeolian Islands.